
Morrowind player house mod
Morrowind player house mod

morrowind player house mod

  • Reorganised and expanded ‘Advanced’ tab in the launcher to integrate most MCP-like settings.
  • morrowind player house mod

  • Optional: Determine a trainer’s offered skills and their respective limits by evaluating base values instead of modified ones OFF by default.
  • Search bar in the launcher’s ‘Data Files’ tab.
  • Handling and logging of crashes on Windows.
  • Show current level-up attribute multipliers in ‘Level’ tooltip.
  • Setting ‘Stretch menu background’ which makes background images fit the full screen is also available in the launcher.
  • Support Skyrim SE’s compressed BSA format.
  • Support for inverse-order rotation (z, y, x) in ‘SetAngle’ function.
  • Optional: Allow the player character to steal from unconscious (knocked-down) NPCs during combat OFF by default.
  • Handle ‘NiLines’ property of NIF meshes.
  • Dialogue for splitting item stacks displays the name of the trapped soul for stacks of soul gems.
  • Optional: Object paging in active cells (3×3 grid around player character) ON by default.
  • Optional: Render distant static objects via object paging, i.e., by merging objects which are close to each other ON by default but ‘Distant land’ needs to be enabled.
  • Proper underwater shadows when refraction is enabled disabled if ‘refraction scale’ setting is not 1.0.
  • ‘ori’ console command displays the mesh’s data source as well as whether the x-prefixed version is used.
  • Add option to support graphic herbalism to ‘Advanced’ tab in the launcher.
  • Base records are mutable, i.e., modifying an instance of a base record (e.g., a guard NPC) will now affect all instances sharing the same base record (e.g., all other clones of that guard NPC).
  • Levelled lists can be placed in containers.
  • Show default icon if an item’s icon is not found.
  • morrowind player house mod morrowind player house mod

  • Alpha-to-coverage anti-aliasing - this improves the look of alpha-tested objects, e.g., foliage from “Morrowind Optimization Patch”.
  • Improved handling of groundcover mods via grass instancing.
  • Arrows can be attached to an actor’s skeleton instead of the bow mesh to allow implementing left-handed bows and actor-dependent shooting animations.
  • An NPC’s service refusal (e.g., for training, trading, or enchanting) can be filtered by service type to allow more complex NPC reactions instead of the vanilla “all or nothing” behaviour.
  • Failed scripts are flagged as ‘inactive’ and ignored rather than being removed - until the game is reloaded or restarted.
  • Performance of enchanted ranged weapons (e.g., darts) isn’t as good as other projectiles’ performance.
  • Pathfinding during the “Tribunal” expansion quest “Infidelities” is broken and the journal may not get updated because Taren Andoren hasn’t yet reached his target spot as a workaround, waiting for one hour will allow Taren to reach his target spot and the journal to be correctly updated.
  • Lighting of spellcasting particles looks dull.
  • On macOS, launching OpenMW from OpenMW-CS requires ‘OpenMW.app’ and ‘OpenMW-CS.app’ to be siblings.

  • Morrowind player house mod